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Raising Little Saints: Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent

Raising Little Saints: Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent

Parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the world, yet it comes with no manual. Every parent wants to raise their child in the best possible way, but what does that even mean? In raising little saints, there are some qualities that every godly parent should have.

Are you struggling to instill godly values in your children? Or do you simply want to improve your parenting skills? Either way, this article is for you. Here, we'll take a closer look at some of the essential qualities that every godly parent must possess.

From patience and kindness to wisdom and discipline, these qualities play a crucial role in molding our children into responsible, God-fearing adults. So if you're ready to learn what it takes to be a godly parent and raise little saints, read on!

Don't let the endless pressures of modern parenting overwhelm you. With the right tools, it's possible to raise your children in a way that honors God and builds strong character. Are you ready to uncover the qualities of a godly parent and take your parenting skills to the next level? Then keep reading, and let's get started!

What Is A Godly Parent
"What Is A Godly Parent" ~ bbaz


Raising children is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences life has to offer. Parents have a significant role to play in shaping the future generation, not only in terms of education and sustenance but also in molding their character and values. The task of raising a godly family, however, has been presented as an even more profound and vital mission. Every parent wants to raise their little ones with the best possible guidance directed at nurturing them into responsible, compassionate, and faithful individuals who reflect the love of God. In this comparison blog post, we compare two books, Raising Little Saints by David and Chrissy Akins, and Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent by Laura and Dave Mendenhall, to offer insights into how parents can raise their children to be godly.

Raising Little Saints vs. Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent

Target Audience

Both books target Christian families aiming to instill godly values and cultivate deep faith in their children. However, in Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent, the authors focus on parents with teenagers or young adults while Raising Little Saints targets parents with younger children, particularly those aged between four and twelve years.

Style and Approach

Raising Little Saints has a straightforward and relatable approach that draws from the authors' own experiences as parents. In contrast, Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent has a more academic and research-oriented style that delves into biblical references and parenting theories, but also provides practical tips.

Structure and Format

Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent is presented in a compact format, divided into 21 chapters, with each chapter covering a specific topic, but not necessarily in a sequential order. On the other hand, Raising Little Saints is structured in a chronological and progressive manner divided into four parts, with each section building on the previous one.

Content Overview

Both books center on explaining biblical principles of parenting and how to apply them practically in contemporary life. In Raising Little Saints, the authors share their own experiences in raising seven children, providing insights on each developmental stage, including teaching children about God and practical ways to applying bible principles at home. Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent, on the other hand, focuses more on the foundational parenting principles laid out in the Bible, highlighting essential qualities such as faith, love, wisdom, and discipline that parents should embody to raise God-fearing children.

Key Takeaways and Insights

Reading both books provides valuable insights into parenting and allowing us to appreciate that raising godly children involves more than just sharing religious values or standards. It requires a whole-life approach that is consistently modeled in the actions, discipline, and love of the entire household. Both books reinforce the notion that the parents must set an example of being Christ-like for their children to emulate. However, Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent emphasizes that true godliness is a reflection of God's character, manifested through selflessness, humility, and servanthood, while Raising Little Saints emphasizes the importance of cultivating good habits and discipline.


Both books share similar ideas on the importance of praying for children, setting time for family devotionals, and prioritizing family. The authors in both texts demonstrate genuine reliance upon biblical teachings with emphasis on nurturing virtues such as wisdom, kindness, gratitude, and service.


While both books highlight similar goals for godly families, they do approach this from different angles. Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent leans more towards the importance of parental responsibility and modeling, while Raising Little Saints focuses on practical tips to employ and characters for children to emulate.


Both books are highly recommended for parents seeking guidance on raising godly children. Raising Little Saints is best suited for parents with younger children, while Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent is perfect for those with older children or who are wanting a more academic perspective. However, both books offer practical insights into nurturing a healthy family, making them an excellent addition to any parent's library.


In conclusion, there are many different ways to raise children in a godly home, but it is ultimately up to each individual family to determine which works best within the context of their own lives. Both Raising Little Saints and Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent provide practical and biblical guidance on raising children with godly values. Regardless of the approach taken, the common goal should always be about leading our little ones to grow in Christ-likeness with a deep love for God and humanity.

Dear Blog Visitors,

We hope that after reading our article on Raising Little Saints, you have gained some valuable insights into what it means to be a godly parent. Our goal was to provide you with a framework for understanding the qualities that are necessary to raise children who are strong in faith and character. As we discussed, being a godly parent involves more than just teaching your children about God. It requires intentionality and a commitment to embodying His love and teachings in your own life.

We encourage you to take what you learned from this article and apply it to your own parenting journey. Remember that no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. But by consistently striving to live out the qualities of a godly parent - things like patience, kindness, forgiveness, and discipline - you will create an environment in which your children can thrive.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope that it has been beneficial to you in some way. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. We would love to continue the conversation with you. May God bless you and your family as you seek to raise little saints.

People also ask about Raising Little Saints: Uncovering the Qualities of a Godly Parent:

  1. What is Raising Little Saints?
  2. Raising Little Saints is a book that explores the qualities of a godly parent and provides practical advice for raising children in a Christian environment.

  3. Who is the author of Raising Little Saints?
  4. The author of Raising Little Saints is Tami Myer, a Christian writer and speaker who has been married for over 30 years and has raised three children.

  5. What are the key themes of Raising Little Saints?
  6. The key themes of Raising Little Saints include building a strong foundation of faith, nurturing character development, cultivating healthy relationships, and fostering a love for God's Word.

  7. What age range is Raising Little Saints suitable for?
  8. Raising Little Saints is suitable for parents with children of all ages, from infants to teenagers. The principles and advice in the book can be applied throughout a child's development.

  9. What makes Raising Little Saints different from other parenting books?
  10. Raising Little Saints is unique in its focus on developing a godly character in both parents and children. The book emphasizes the importance of modeling Christ-like behavior and cultivating a deep and genuine relationship with God.